Join us in supporting our church by making a one-time or recurring donation through our website! We’re excited to accept donations of goods that will boost our outreach programs. Your incredible generosity is key to our mission, and we can't thank you enough for your support!

We know that for many people, there is the misconception that all the church wants is their money. Unfortunately there are places like that. However, we are very transparent about our finances so you can be assured that we are being great stewards of what you give and with what God blesses us with.
If you have any questions regarding what we do with your gifts, please feel free to contact the church office to set up an appointment with someone from our leadership team.
Your generous giving is what enables the ministry of LifePointe to continue. Thank you for your financial faithfulness.
ways you can donate:
You are always welcome to give during the offering time of the worship service. The plates will be passed at some point in the service or there may be a dsignated box where you may place it.
by mail
If you know you will be out on a Sunday, you can simply mail your contribution.
1451 Carl Stern Blvd
Hutto, TX 78634
You can use your PayPal account to set up your giving. Click here for more information.
auto bank draft
To set up an automatic bank bill pay you will be required to contact your banking institution directly; logging on to the bank website is the most convenient but a phone call or visit to the bank may also be an option. They will provide step-by-step instructions.